Unity Development Cookbook Second Edition
- English: Unity Development Cookbook Second Edition (O’Reilly Media, 2023)
Practical Simulations for Machine Learning
- English: Practical Simulations for Machine Learning (O’Reilly Media, 2022)
- Chinese: 機器學習模擬應用|將合成資料運用於AI (Gotop Information, 2022)
Head First Swift
- English: Head First Swift (O’Reilly Media, 2021)
- Chinese: 深入淺出Swift程式設計 (Gotop Information, 2022)
Unity Game Development Cookbook (First Edition)
- English: Unity Game Development Cookbook (First Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2019)
Practical Artificial Intelligence with Swift
- English: Practical Artificial Intelligence with Swift (O’Reilly Media, 2019)
- Chinese: Swift 人工智能实战:从基础理论到AI 驱动的应用程序开发 (China Machine Press, 2019)
iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook (Third Edition)
- English: iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook (Third Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2018)
- Chinese: Swift游戏开发经典实例: iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook (Third Edition) (Gotop Information, 2020)
Learning Swift (Third Edition)
- English: Learning Swift (Third Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2018)
- Chinese: Swift 學習手冊 第三版 (Gotop Information, 2018)
Mobile Game Development with Unity
- English: Mobile Game Development with Unity (O’Reilly Media, 2017)
- Japanese: Unityによるモバイルゲーム開発 ―作りながら学ぶ2D/3Dゲームプログラミング入門 (O’Reilly Japan, 2017)
- Polish: Unity Tworzenie gier mobilnych. (Helion, 2018)
- Chinese: Unity行動遊戲開發實務 (Gotop Information, 2018)
Learning Swift (Second Edition)
- English: Learning Swift (Second Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2017)
The Kerbal Player’s Guide
- English: The Kerbal Player’s Guide (O’Reilly Media, 2017)
Learning Swift (First Edition)
- English: Learning Swift (First Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2016)
- Chinese: Swift学习手册 (China Electric Power Press, 2017)
What’s New in Swift 3
- English: What’s New in Swift 3 (O’Reilly Media, 2016)
Swift Development for the Apple Watch
- English: Swift Development for the Apple Watch (O’Reilly Media, 2016)
iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook (Second Edition)
- English: iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook (Second Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2015)
- Chinese: iOS Swift 遊戲程式開發錦囊妙計 第二版 (GoTop Information, 2015)
Swift Development with Cocoa
- English: Swift Development with Cocoa (O’Reilly Media, 2014)
iOS Game Development Cookbook (First Edition)
- English: iOS Game Development Cookbook (First Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2014)
Learning Cocoa with Objective-C (Fourth Edition)
- English:Learning Cocoa with Objective-C (Fourth Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2014)
Learning Cocoa With Objective-C (Third Edition)
- English: Learning Cocoa with Objective-C (Third Edition) (O’Reilly Media, 2012)
- Portuguese: Aprendendo Cocoa com Objective-C (Novatec, 2013)
- Chinese: Cocoa學習手冊:使用Objective-C(第三版) (GoTop Information, 2013)
Gamification: how we can use game mechanics in areas that are not a game
- English: Gamification: how we can use game mechanics in areas that are not a game (Media Evolution, 2011)
Unity Mobile Game Development for Dummies
- English: Unity Mobile Game Development for Dummies (Wiley Publishing, 2011)
iPhone and iPad Game Development For Dummies
- English: iPhone and iPad Game Development For Dummies (Wiley Publishing, 2010)
- French: Développer des jeux pour iPhone et iPad pour les Nuls (Wiley Publishing, 2011)
Selected Papers
I also occasionally put my PhD to use, and pretend to be an academic. Here are some of the papers I’ve written:
- Buttfield-Addison, P., Manning, J., & Nugent, T. (2016). A better recipe for game jams: using the Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics framework for planning. In proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events 2016.
- Manning, J., Buttfield-Addison, P., Nugent, T, & Lueg, C. (2015). User Interfaces in Science Fiction in Video Games. Presented at OzCHI 2015, workshop on HCI and Science-Fiction: Inspirations, Achievements, or a Mismatch 2015.
- Nugent, T., Buttfield-Addison, P., Lueg, C., & Dermoudy, J. (2015). “It’s useless for that”: Finding, Frustration, and Fun with Mobile Technology in Outdoor Markets. In proceedings of 2015 Joint APSA-ASCEPT Annual Conference 2015.
- Chalmers, L., Bereznicki, L., Prasad, R., Hancock, N., MacIntyre, PD., McKenzie, DS., Boland, CM., Frain, B., & Buttfield-Addison, P. (2015). SMART-AF: Development of a decision support smartphone app to improve antithrombotic prescribing in atrial fibrillation. In proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare.
- Buttfield-Addison, P., Lueg, C., & Ellis, L. (2013). iPad as PIM device: input, interrelation and indexes. In proceedings of iConference 2013.
- Buttfield-Addison, P., Lueg, C., Ellis, L., & Manning, J. (2012). “Everything goes into or out of the iPad” – the iPad, information scraps and personal information management. In proceedings of OZCHI 2012.
- Burns, P., Buttfield-Addison, P., D’Orazio, M., & Nugent, T. (2011). The Serendipity Engine. OZCHI 2011 Design Challenge.
- Manning, J. A., Lueg, C., & Buttfield-Addison, P. S. (2009). Avoiding creepy people: social networks increasing the pleasure of carpooling. OZCHI 2009.
- Buttfield-Addison, P., & Lueg, C. (2009). The pile of least effort: supporting lived document management practices. In proceedings of OZCHI 2009.